Всего в базе данных QRZ.RU 1,581,136 позывных
About me:
I was licenced in 1984 and I have been active on air since 2011.
Paper QSL Information:
I am happy to confirm contacts with a paper QSL card. Please QSL Direct or Via the Bureau. For QSL cards sent direct please include a self addressed envelope plus $ 3 contribution towards return postage.
eQSL and Logbook of The World Information:
I use computer logging and I upload my logs to eQSL and LoTW. I am AG certified on eQSL.
HRDLOG and Club Log Information:
My logs are uploaded to HRDLOG automatically and to Club Log as often as possible.
SWL Reports:
SWL reports are welcome. For SWL reports sent direct please include a self addressed envelope plus $ 3 contribution towards return postage.
Working Conditions:
Radio: Yaesu FT-DX10 with 100-Watts Output
Antenna: M0CVO Wire Dipole about 5 Meters above the ground