Всего в базе данных QRZ.RU 1,581,186 позывных
I starting in Amateur Radio when I was a young boy at age 14.
First as a SWL LZ2F-106 from 14.02.1964.Same year I make my first QSO from club station LZ2KAF, and QRV also from radiolub LZ2KLC.
I use my home call LZ2DB since 1978. Firstly with home made TRCVR UW3DI-1 and PA 250 W.
After 1985 I use in radioshack an KENWOOD TS930S.Have also TS850S and home brew 800 watts amplifier.
Since 1998 using LZ2A - Contest, Celebration and Expedition Call.
I do accept only paper QSL cards via Bureau or direct.
I do answer to received QSL cards if card:
1.Conforms with my log.
2.Received QSL card has clear handwritten indication "pse QSL".
3.Received direct QSL card supported by sufficient postage fee and SAE.
Please don't send qsl by e-qsl. I'm not member in this system!
World castles award group WCAG #145
Black sea contest club BSCC #529
Radioamateur telegraphy club RCWC #572
"Dolphins" Radio Club DRC #120
Indentependent CW club CQCW #036
The international radiotelegraphy MORSE club UCWC #2752