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ex CALL(s): LZ1ZF

Георги Воденичаров
Gosho Vodenicharov

Просмотров: 3,542
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With this special callsign LZ35ZF I celebrate in 2004 my 35-th anniversary of been active on Amater Radio bands. I started my radio activities in 1969 in the Radio club LZ1KCP in Karlovo. During the period 1983-2001 I've been responsible of training voluntarily more than 250 young radio amateurs in the Radio club LZ1KVZ. I'm aslo keen on ARDF and have 20 medals in international competitions with highest scores: World vicechampion - 1984 (Norway) and 3-rd in the World in 1997 (Germany). Since 1969 I've written over 800 000 QSL cards - for my S.W.L. LZ1-F-84, LZ1KCP, LZ1KDP (1975-1983), LZ1ZF, LZ1KVZ, LZ1KZA, LZ5A (after 2000) and over 100 special event callsigns: last ones BT4ARDF, TM6RDF, OM9FOX, LZ3EYAC, LZ26ZA, LZ125O. All logs of LZ1KZA, LZ5A (after 2000), LZ1KVZ (425 000 QSO's), LZ30KVZ, LZ26ZA, LZ3EYAC, LZ125O and BT4ARDF are at my diposal and I am responsible for QSL-ing.
LZ35ZF counts 3 points for "St. Teodosii Tyrnovski" award - www.balkanclub.8m.com