A special prefix LZ40YE will be active between 01.01 and 31.12. 2012 commemorating 40 years from the first QSO on HAM radio bands with LZ1YE callsign- 1972 !
Special prizes about this commemorating !
* By 950 Full color Glossy front side + full color back type ( 4G+4 ) QSL cards - including FREE design and print for continental winners with as much as possible contacts on different bands with LZ40YE .
Separate for CW and SSB modes !
Maximum by 12 contacts per month on CW and SSB : 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 6, 2 m and 70 cm !
( 144 contacts are possible on each mode between 01.01 - 31.12 2012 )
* Europe - CW , SSB
* Asia - CW , SSB
* Africa - CW , SSB
* North America - CW , SSB
* South America - CW , SSB
* Oceania - CW , SSB
* Bulgaria - CW , SSB
Full information about via my e-mail address.
GL and see you on the bands !!!
QSL Manager: LZ1YE ( direct or via bureau ) NO e-QSL !
Direct requests should include SAE plus sufficient postage ( 1IRC or 2 $ ).
Possible direct request by e-mail and postage payment via PayPal.
In this case NO need to send any letters !
For more information please feel free to e-mail me.
73\'s LZ1YE & LZ40YE