Всего в базе данных QRZ.RU 1,581,132 позывных
SWL позывной UA9-154-1860 с 1982 года. С 1985 году получил свой первый позывной UA9CJC В этих же 80-х годах оператор коллективной радиостанции Свердловского МЖК "Комсомольский" UW9CWC, член клуба МАРС Член RUSSIAN CW CLUB #539 KDR #1166
Greetings, thanks for viewing my biography! I have a real passion for radio. You may have worked with me earlier on one of my 2 callsigns, which are:RV3MAV and old UA9CJC and club station UW9CWC.
My name is Andy and I am interested in radio since 1982. I took the military rig R-311 in 1983 and became SWL call UA9-154-1860. Later in1985 I recieved my first Amateur Radio Call Sign.
For me, there's is no excuse for any ham not to confirm a first band/mode slot with a QSL card, whether that be a "standard" or a contest QSO.
The vast majority of my QSLing is done via the QSL bureau which - whatever some may pretend - does a marvelous job.
Please feel free to use my address indicated above if you want a QSL direct, SAE & current IRC or "green stamp" are appreciated. Correct SWL reports welcomed.
Membership: RCWC # 539, KDR # 1166