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Please direct your QSL requests via UT7UT with the following route options
Direct QSL information. QSL requirements are 2 USD or IRC send your QSL to:
Boris B. Samartsev, UT7UT
2 Sholudenka Str., Apt. 62
Kyiv 01135
Bureau QSL information only for UT7UT and UWØU. I will send cards via the bureau one time per 6 months
For other callsigns QSL only via OQRS. Don't send me QSLs via bureau, please!
Online QSL Request (OQRS) via Bureau. Send me an e-mail with QSO(s) details:
E-mail: ut7ut.kiev@gmail.com
LoTW (Logbook of The World). LoTW upload will be done at the earliest opportunity
eQSL (eqsl.cc). eQSL upload will be done at the earliest opportunity
Thanks for QSO(s). See You again! 73's de Boris UT7UT, UWØU, ENØU etc
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