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Hello/ Namaste dear reader!
(I apologize in advance if errors are found in the Russian language I have translated.)
My name is Atul. A student by day but an active hobbyist by night. I reside at the wonderful city of Chennai where my lab and shack are located. During my free time, I make electronic projects and write and video-blog about them on my website esccrasci.in .
I primarily can be found on echolink and occasionally on VHF bands. Of course, I have a UV5R whose range is minimal. However, I tend to use it with a custom harness to connect it to my PC. Sometimes, the handheld is replaced by a special microphone. But that is rare.
My license is restricted meaning I don't know morse code yet. But nothing is tough to learn.
Let's meet on the air and on the band!
(My name is Atul. A student during the day and an active amateur at night. I live in the wonderful city of Chennai, where my laboratory and hut are located. In my free time, I do electronic projects and write about them and have a video blog on my website esccrasci.in.
I can mainly be found on echolink, and sometimes on VHF bands. Of course, I have the UV5R, which has a minimal range. However, I prefer to use it with a dedicated cable to connect to my computer. Sometimes a laptop computer is replaced by a dedicated microphone. But this is rare.
My license is restricted, meaning I don't know Morse code yet. But there is nothing difficult to learn, like any language.
QSL cards are encouraged. I have no particular preferences. Please feel free to send QSL cards even for echolink contacts if you desire.(Or even I may request whether I could send my QSL card to you) I shall definitely send my QSL as a response too. Techincally calling it a QSL card is not appropriate. But it does not really matter according to me. Please use FM/SSB for the mode or leave it empty. It's fully upto you. I understand that QSLs are for on air DX contacts, but I firmly believe in the idea of any contact via any medium is unique and hence I do not mind. And it also helps fuel my desire to get post-cards and my hobby of collecting stamps too. Also, if you send a QSL card, please include a self-addressed envelope which shall make sending my QSL card easier. For ON-Air contacts, I shall send out a QSL card as a confirmation. (You can too without any hesitation. The TO address is the same as the one above.)
If you have ever made contact with me (or) have spotted me in either Echolink or on the air, I would appreciate it if you could take a moment and leave a message for me and/or other prospective DXers. Even a simple 76 would do. Thanks a lot in advance: Please leave your message here (esccrasci.in)
Aug/2024: Very happy to announce that I am now a LIFE member of The Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI)
See you on the air and in the group!)
Equipment: TYT 9000d (VHF), Baofeng UV5R, Echolink
Antenna: Half-wave dipole
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