WARD 2013 Award

04.04.2013 08:10:21

Источник: Sylwester, SP2FAP

2013 WARD Award
The WARD (World Amateur Radio Day) Award commemorates the World Amateur Radio Day celebrated by IARU on 18 April each year. The award is sponsored by MK QTC (the Polish Amateur Radio Journal) and PZK (the Polish Amateur Radio Union), and it is issued to licenced amateurs and SWLs for contacts made/heard between 00.00 and 23.59 UTC on 18 April. Requirements: The award is available for making at least 20 QSO's on HF or 10 QSO's on VHF+. SWL OK on same basis. Contacts with any licensed Amateur Radio operators all over the world are valid for this award. The award is FREE if you agree to receive a PDF file that can print the certificate on your printer. Send log extract and fee of €10 or $US12 obtain the award. If you wish printed version, send application to: MK QTC, Suchacz-Zamek, ul. Wielmozy 5b, 82-340 Tolkmicko, Poland or via PayPal to: qtc@post.pl
A new award is available every year (each of them has a new layout).
E-mail: qtc@post.pl
Internet: http://qtc.suchacz.eu/articles.php?article_id=5

Подробнее: http://qtc.suchacz.eu

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