SB PROP @ ARL $ARLP002 ARLP002 Propagation de K7VVV

16.01.2001 01:11:27

Источник: Александр Ковалевский

ZCZC AP02 QST de W1AW Propagation Forecast Bulletin 2 ARLP002 >From Tad Cook, K7VVV Seattle, WA January 12, 2001 To all radio amateurs

SB PROP ARL ARLP002 ARLP002 Propagation de K7VVV

Last week's propagation bulletin erroneously reported, along with some other sources, that the Japan International CW DX Contest was the following weekend. It actually occurs this coming weekend, on January 13 and 14.

Average sunspot numbers were up over the past week, and solar flux was down, probably reaching a low on Wednesday. The predicted solar flux for January 12-15 is 170, 175, 180 and 185. Solar flux is expected to peak below 200 around January 17, but not drop back to 180 until January 25. Very quiet geomagnetic conditions are forecast through the end of the month, the exception being this weekend, with a slightly unsettled planetary A index around 12. Otherwise look for A indices in the low single digits.

The unsettled conditions are predicted because of a full-halo coronal mass ejection on Wednesday, but the effect is uncertain.

Scott Craig has made some slight modifications to his solar data plotting software, and here at K7VVV it now seems to work with Windows 2000. Download the new version 3.09w from http://www.craigcentral.com.

Since the JA DX contest mentioned last week is actually running this weekend, here are some path projections updated from last week. All paths are to Japan on 160, 80 and 40 meters.

>From Seattle, 160 meters 0800-1630z, 80 meters 0730-1700z, 40 Meters 0630-1830z. From San Francisco, 160 meters 0800-1600z, 80 Meters 0730-1600z, 40 meters 0630-1700z. From Los Angeles, 160 Meters 0800-1530z, 80 meters 0730-1600z, 40 meters 0630-1630. From Hawaii, 160 meters 0730-1800z, 80 meters 0700-1800z, 40 meters 0630-1900z. >From Salt Lake City, 160 meters 0800-1530z, 80 meters 0730-1600z, 40 meters 0630-1700z. From Arizona, 160 meters 0800z-1430z, 80 meters 0730-1530z, 40 meters 0630-1600z. From Dallas, 160 meters 0730-1330z, 80 meters 0700- 1430z, 40 meters 0700-1530z.

>From the center of the continental U.S., 160 meters 0730-1400z, 80 meters 0700-1500z, 40 meters 0630-1600z. From Atlanta, 160 meters 0800-1300z, 80 meters 0730-1300z, 40 meters 0700-1400z. From Philadelphia, 160 meters 0730-1300z, 80 meters 0700-1330z, 40 meters 0700-1400z. From Chicago, 160 meters 0730-1400z, 80 meters 0700-1430z, 40 meters 0700-1500z. From Cleveland, 160 meters 0730-1330z, 80 meters 0700-1400z, 40 meters 0730-1530z. From Boston, 160 meters 0730-1300z, 80 meters 0700-1330z, 40 meters 0700-1400z.

Sunspot numbers for January 4 through 10 were 180, 158, 172, 183, 167, 140 and 139 with a mean of 162.7. 10.7 cm flux was 174.6, 176.3, 179.4, 176.7, 167.1, 166.3 and 162.8, with a mean of 171.9, and estimated planetary A indices were 10, 6, 6, 5, 10, 5 and 4 with a mean of 6.6. NNNN /EX

* Origin: ---=== RA9LO Station at MO27SC ===--- (2:5077/39) -------------------------------------------------------------------


RZ6HGG Stavropol E-mail:rz6hgg@skiftel.ru FidoNet: 2:5064/11.30 15 января 2001 г. 22:09:52

SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORB01011.O Orbital Elements 01011.OSCAR Уже в эту пятницу 19 января состоится "VI Чемпионат Азиатской части РФ"
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