
Интерфейс RS232 - разводка кабеля, техническая информация, описание

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Common names: EIA-232D (RS232-D), ITU-TSS (CCITT) V.24/V.28, ISO 2110

25 PIN D-SUB MALE (at the DTE)
25 PIN D-SUB FEMALE (at the DCE)

25 PIN D-SUB MALE at the DTE (Computer).
25 PIN D-SUB FEMALE at the DCE (Modem).

Pin Name RS232 V.24 Dir Description
1 GND n/a 101 --- Shield Ground
2 TXD BA 103 --> Transmit Data
3 RXD BB 104 <-- Receive Data
4 RTS CA 105 --> Request to Send
5 CTS CB 106 <-- Clear to Send
6 DSR CC 107 <-- Data Set Ready
7 GND AB 102 --- System Ground
8 CD CF 109 <-- Carrier Detect
9 -     - RESERVED
10 -     - RESERVED
11 STF   126 --> Select Transmit Channel
12 S.CD SCF 122 <-- Secondary Carrier Detect
13 S.CTS SCB 121 <-- Secondary Clear to Send
14 S.TXD SBA 118 --> Secondary Transmit Data
15 TCK DB 114 <-- Transmission Signal Element Timing
16 S.RXD SBB 119 <-- Secondary Receive Data
17 RCK DD 115 <-- Receiver Signal Element Timing
18 LL LL 141 --> Local Loop Control
19 S.RTS SCA 120 --> Secondary Request to Send
20 DTR CD 108.2 --> Data Terminal Ready
21 RL RL 140 --> Remote Loop Control
22 RI CE 125 <-- Ring Indicator
23 DSR CH 111 --> Data Signal Rate Selector
24 XCK DA 113 --> Transmit Signal Element Timing
25 TI TM 142 <-- Test Indicator

Note: Direction is DTE (Computer) relative DCE (Modem).
Note: RS232 column is RS232 circuit name.
Note: ITU-T column is ITU-TSS V.24 circuit name.
Note: Do not connect SHIELD(1) to GND(7).

Contributor: Joakim Цgren, Petr Krc
Source: ?

Информация предоставлена справочником The Hardware Book Team 1996-2004.

Навигатор: QRZ.RU > Радиолюбительские справочники > Справочник компьютерного инженера