
Интерфейс Serial (SUN) - разводка кабеля, техническая информация, описание

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Serial (SUN)

Available on SUN computers since the SUN3 series (1988) to the current UltraSparc systems

25 PIN D-SUB MALE (at the computer)

25 PIN D-SUB FEMALE at the computer.

Pin Name Dir Description
1 n/c -  
2 TXD --> Transmit Data
3 RXD <-- Receive Data
4 RTS --> Request to Send
5 CTS <-- Clear to Send
6 DSR <-- Data Set Ready
7 GND - System Ground
8 DCD <-- Data Carrier Detect
9 n/c -  
10 n/c -  
11 n/c -  
12 n/c -  
13 n/c -  
14 n/c -  
15 TRxC <-- Transmit Clock
16 n/c -  
17 RTxC <-- Receive Clock
18 n/c -  
19 n/c -  
20 DTR --> Data Terminal Ready
21 n/c -  
22 n/c -  
23 n/c -  
24 TxC --> Transmit Clock
25 n/c -  

Note: Direction is DTE (Computer) relative DCE (Modem).

Contributor: Joakim Цgren
Source: SUN SPARCengine Ultra 20 OEM Manual

Информация предоставлена справочником The Hardware Book Team 1996-2004.

Навигатор: QRZ.RU > Радиолюбительские справочники > Справочник компьютерного инженера