ARRL handbook

Адрес статьи на сервере:[ http://www.qrz.ru/schemes/contribute/arrl/ ]

ARRL Antenna handbook

CD-ROM издание содержит в себе полный и подробный перечень КВ и УКВ антенн
всевозможных типов, цепей согласования, описание прохождения радиоволн
в PDF формате и многое другое. Для прочтения вам необходим Acrobat Reader.

Introduction to the CD-ROM Edition

The ARRL Antenna Book

"In recent years it has been borne home on us most forcibly that
there is greater room for increased performance through superior antenna systems
than in any other part of the equipment.”

—from the Foreword to the First Edition, The ARRL Antenna Book, September 1939

Much has changed since 1939, including the possible ways of delivering information— this CD- ROM
is evidence of that! One thing that hasn’t changed is that antennas and antenna systems are still the
make- or- break component of any amateur station. We are pleased to bring you this 18th edition
of the ARRL Antenna Book on CD- ROM. The CD- ROM book contains all of the text, drawings
and photos contained in the printed 18th edition. And exclusive to the CD- ROM are over 70,000 pages
of propagation tables that can help you determine what HF propagation to expect throughout the world,
throughout the year and throughout the sunspot cycle.

Скачать всю книгу в одном файле (разрешена докачка):

HTTP: antennbook.zip | 37 мб - 3 час 25 мин @ 28.8 кбит/сек
FTP: antennbook.zip | 37 мб - 3 час 25 мин @ 28.8 кбит/сек

Скачать книгу частями:


About This Book Chapter 17 - Repeater Antenna Systems
Chapter 1 - Safety First Chapter 18 - VHF and UHF Antenna Systems
Chapter 2 - Antenna Fundamentals Chapter 19 - Antenna Systems for Space Communications
Chapter 3 - The Effects of Ground Chapter 20 - Antenna Materials and Accessories
Chapter 4 - Antenna System Planning and Practical Considerations Chapter 21 - Antenna Products Suppliers
Chapter 5 - Loop Antennas Chapter 22 - Antenna Supports
Chapter 6 - Low-Frequency Antennas Chapter 23 - Radio Wave Propagation
Chapter 7 - Multiband Antennas Chapter 24 - Transmission Lines
Chapter 8 - Multielement Arrays Chapter 25 - Coupling the Transmitter to the Line
Chapter 9 - Broadband Antennas Chapter 26 - Coupling the Line to the Antenna
Chapter 10 - Log Periodic Arrays Chapter 27 - Antenna and Transmission-Line Measurements
Chapter 11 - HF Yagi Arrays Chapter 28 - Smith Chart Calculations
Chapter 12 - Quad Arrays Appendix
Chapter 13 - Long Wire and Traveling Wave Antennas  
Chapter 14 - Direction Finding Antennas Index.PDX - индексный файл
Chapter 15 - Portable Antennas Index.ZIP - архив индексов для разделов
Chapter 16 - Mobile and Maritime Antennas Software.ZIP - архив программ в книге

Получено от Эдуарда Дергаева UA4NX

Адрес статьи на сервере:[ http://www.qrz.ru/schemes/contribute/arrl/ ]